
• 32 Pots
• 3 chicken head rotary switches (7 positions)
• 1 rotary encoder with push function
• 2 x 16 digits backlit LCD
• High Quality Pitch and Mod Wheel
• up to 256 Sounds
• fast and efficient sound selection via numeric keypad
• 2 fast LFOs per voice, each with adjustable Speed and Depth
• 1 extra modulation routing for Mod Wheel, with adjustable Speed and Depth
– Shape: Sawtooth, Rectangular, Triangle, Sine, Sample & Hold, Ramp
– Destination: Osc 1, Osc2, Ocs3, PWM / Wave / FM, Volume, Filter Cutoff
• Monophonic mode with single or multiple trigger
• 3 Oscillators per voice
– Range from 64′ to 1′ each
– Shapes: Sawtooth, Square, Triangle, Sine, Pulse (with Pulse Width Modulation)
– Oscillator 1 with 66 Original PPG Wavetables
• Frequency Modulation of sine and triangle
• Oscillator Hardsync (Osc 2 to Osc 3)
• Noise Generator with selectable white and pink noise
• Mixer with Volume and On/Off switch for each Oscillator and Noise
• 1 Multi Mode Filter per voice
– 24 / 12dB
– Lowpass
– Highpass
– Bandpass
– Resonance up to Self-Oscillation and beyond
– Adjustable Keytrack and Drive
• 2 fast Envelopes per voice (filter / amplifier)
• Powerful Arpeggiator
– Latch mode
– syncable to MIDI Clock
– Direction Up, Down, Alternate
– Range up to 10 Octaves
• 2 simultaneuous Effects
– Effect 1: Chorus / Phaser / Flanger
– Effect 2: Reverb / Delay
• sturdy, lightweight enclosure (less than 10 KG)
• high quality, 5 octaves Fatar TP 9 keyboard
• Master Volume Control • Power Switch
• Stereo line output
• Headphone output
• Expression pedal input
• MIDI in and out
• USB connector for MIDI in / out
– uses standard USB MIDI driver provided by host computer OS
– Windows ME minimum, Windows XP or newer recommended
– Mac OS X 10.2 minimum, Mac OS X 10.3 or newer recommended
• Built in power supply”

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