Tr-606やTr-808のような80年代アナログドラムマシンを現代風にリクリエイトした超小型のアナログドラムマシンLDB-1が登場。64のパターンをプログラムでき、MIDIとCVアウトが付いて値段が$240。ユーザー自身で組み立てが可能なLDB-1 Analog Drum Machine Kit($140)とモジュールLDB-1e Eurorack Module($180)も用意されている。



  • Eight voice polyphony
    All drums can be played simultaneously, including
    open and closed hi-hat for a super punchy cymbal
  • Play Modes
    • Play Individual Drums
    • Play Patterns, including chaining up to 8 patterns
    • Play Songs with Pattern Fills
  • Programmability
    • 32 User Patterns – plus 32 Built-in Patterns
    • 16 Songs of 24 patterns each
    • Configuration Options (MIDI channel, trigger modes, etc)
    • All data is retained without power
  • Connectivity
    • Powered by built-in 9V battery, or standard pedal power supply
    • MIDI Input for playing individual drums, and MIDI clock and start/stop messages
    • DIN Sync Input for both clock and gate (start/stop)
    • Analog Clock Input
    • Analog Gate (start/stop) Input
    • Analog Trigger Output on selected steps and/or instruments



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