アルペジエーターファンに朗報!   まだFacebook情報のみ、画像の方も完成形ではないようですが、アルペジオ機能に特化したハードウェアマシンArpeggioが発売されるようです。2オシレーターのバーチャルアナログモノシンセ内蔵、USB、MIDI in/out、CVトリガー付き、内蔵スピーカー、電池駆動可能。モジュラーシンセはもちろん、KORG Volcaシリーズと並べてみるのも楽しそう。


• Create, play, and save arpeggios instantly with live arpeggio sequencer.
• Up, up-down, down, down-up, sequence, & random arpeggiator modes.
• Access and chain together up to 512 user created arpeggio patterns.
• Internal 2-oscillator virtual analog monosynth.
• Note division sequencer (1/16th, 1/8th, 1/4 notes etc ).
• USB, 1/4″ & 1/8′ audio out, MIDI in, MIDI out, CV trigger out.
• MIDI & CV clock sync for syncing to external drum machines (master or slave)
• Control external hardware and software synths. Add an arpeggiator to a synth that doesn’t have one!
• High quality internal speaker
• Perfect for bass and lead lines
• arpeggio takes batteries or power from an AC adapter. Make melodies anywhere!

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