元Waldorfのサウンドデザイナー・プロダクトスペシャリストであるWolfram Franke氏によって設立されたFrank Music。このメーカーの第1弾となるソフトウェアがiPad専用のアプリ、グルーブボックスStroke Machine。
App Storeにて¥1,500
- 12 drum and percussion sound parts
- 12 melodic sound parts
- number of voices only limited by CPU
- 4 multi-effect busses
- pattern with up to 8 bars and 16th resolution, bar nominator and denominator freely adjustable
- swing
- modulation sequencer for smooth or quantized automation of each continuous sound and bus parameter
- 128 patterns including all sounds in direct access
- track solo and mute
- sample import
- audio export of a pattern or the whole performance
- AudioBus support
- WIST support
Per voice:
- 2 oscillators with waveforms sine, triangle, sawtooth, pulse with pulse width modulation
- sine waveforms can be changed in slope, symmetry and saturation for additional overtones
- sample playback
- frequency modulation of each oscillator by white noise and oscillator 1 by oscillator 2
- ring modulation
- noise generator with white and pink noise, variable density and multimode filter
- transient generator with crack, rattle, spike, click and thump generators
- multimode filter with 6 dB low or high pass, 12 dB and 24 dB low, band or high pass and band stop
- drive stage with light, medium, hard, clip, tube and fuzz overdrive and tone control
- redux stage (decimator) with sample rate and bit reduction
- fully parametric two-band equalizer with shelf and band types
- glide generator with portamento and glissando for melodic sounds
- voice allocation poly, mono and 3 alternate groups
- 1 LFO with waveforms sine, triangle, pulse, positive pulse, sawtooth, 4 step ramp, 8 step ramp, sample & hold, random, rate synchronizable to clock
- 2 Envelopes with (ADSR) or without (2 decay stages with breakpoint) sustain and variable slope for each stage
- modulation sources LFO, envelope 1 and 2, velocity, note number, 4 random generators, pitch bend and modulation wheel
- any continuous parameter can be modulated
- voice mixed into one of four effect busses
Per effect bus:
- sum drive stage with various types and tone filter
- compressor
- modulation effect with 2 to 6 stage chorus, 4 to 12 stage phaser or multimode filter
- space effect with stereo modulation delay, synchronizable to clock, natural, plate, or non-linear reverb